Sunday, October 21, 2007

Another dead car battery

The first thing to address is how long will a car battery last. On average, a car battery will last for about three to five years. In most cases you will find that the battery will last towards the shorter end of this scale and need to be replaced at the three-year mark.

There are many variables that will determine how long your car battery will last. Some of the things that will send a battery to an early grave are as follows. Many short trips on a daily basis can reduce the life of your battery. If your vehicle has an average run time of less than 20 minutes, your alternator will not have the opportunity to recharge the battery fully.

Many starting cycles, coupled with short run time will leave your battery below the ideal charged specification for most of it’s shortened life. Another reason for a dead car battery would be exposures to extreme temperatures. The power from your car battery is created by a chemical reaction.

The outside temperature affects this chemical reaction. This is why you will find that most batteries are encased in an insulated jacket. This allows the battery to go through its normal temperature changes slowly. One of the big mistakes that the do-it-yourself and professional mechanics will make is when they replace the battery they will discard this insulated cover. This will also shorten the car battery life span. The manufacture put this insulated battery cover on for a reason so you don’t want to forget to reinstall it

For more information about car batteries and jump boxes give our main site a visit